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S. Cynk
I will present some algorithms for computation of arithmetic subgroups of groups related to algebraic geometry developed
in series of papers by A.S.Detinko, D.L.Flannery and E.A. O’Brien, and A.S. Detinko,D.L. Flannery, A. Hulpke.
I will start with some motivation: arithmetic groups in $\operatorname{SL}_n(\mathbb Z)$ related to the level structures
for elliptic curves and monodromy groups of the Picard-Fuchs differential equations for the period integrals.
I will briefly recall the basic definition and then discuss the example of fourteen $CY(3)$ operators: seven
with arithmetic and seven with thin monodromy groups.
S. Cynk
In the second part of a talk based on a series of papers by A.S.Detinko, D.L.Flannery and E.A. O’Brien, and A.S. Detinko,D.L. Flannery, A. Hulpke
I will present an algorithm to compute the level and the maximal Proncipal Congruence Subgroup for an arithmetic subgroup of the group $\operatorname{Sp}(n,\mathbb Z)$. Principal congruence subgroup of level $m$ in $\operatorname{Sp}(n,\mathbb Z)$ is the kernel of the reduction homomorphism $\phi_m:\operatorname{Sp}(n,\mathbb Z)\longrightarrow \operatorname{Sp}(n,\mathbb Z/m\mathbb Z)$, a subgroup in $H\subset \operatorname{Sp}(n,\mathbb Z)$ is arithmetic (i.e. has finite index in $\operatorname{Sp}(n,\mathbb Z)$) iff it containce a Principal Congruence Subgroup.
Özhan Genç
A $\mu$-stable vector bundle $\mathcal{E}$ of rank 2 with $c_1 (\mathcal{E})=0$ on $\mathbb{P}_{\mathbb{C}}^{3}$ is called a mathematical instanton bundle if $\mathrm{H}^1 (\mathbb{P}^{3}, \mathcal{E}(-2))=0$. This type of bundle has been generalized to other varieties in various ways. First, it has been generalized to odd-dimensional projective spaces by M. M. Capria and S. M. Salamon, then to non-locally free sheaves of any rank on arbitrary projective spaces by M. Jardim. Then, D. Faenzi and A. Kuznetsov extended the definition to other Fano threefolds, and later, V. Antonelli and F. Malaspina modified the definition to apply to any polarization of Fano threefolds, introducing the concept of an $h$-instanton bundle. Finally, V. Antonelli and G. Casnati further broadened the definition to cover any polarized variety $(X,h)$.
In this talk, we will focus on rank 2 $h$-instanton sheaves on ruled Fano threefolds with Picard rank 2 and index 1. This is a joint work with Marcos Jardim.
Tymoteusz Chmiel
In my talk I will define Kac-Moody Lie algebras and Koszul modules. Then I will introduce Koszul modules associated with (graded) Kac-Moody Lie algebras. I will give a precise criterion for when these modules are of finite length, as well as an exact description of all nilpotent Kac-Moody Koszul modules. The talk is based on a part of my PhD thesis
Noemie Combe
Kontsevich suggested that the Landau—Ginzburg models provide a good formalism for investigations around the mathematical mirror symmetry problem.
A different perspective on Landau-Ginzburg models is discussed in light of this claim.
As a result, certain results of Abouzaid-Auroux-Katzarkov can be recovered differently.
By using this different angle, we can make new advances regarding
a conjecture of Kontsevich--Soibelman on a version of the Strominger-Yau-Zaslow mirror problem
Tymoteusz Chmiel
I will discuss two applications of graded Kac-Moody Lie algebras, introduced in my previous talk. The first one is a description of a class of embeddings of homogenous spaces for Kac-Moody groups into Grassmanians of irreducible representations of Kac-Moody Lie algebras. The second one is the theory of higher structure maps associated with free resolutions of Gorenstein ideals of codimension four. In particular, I will present a structure theorem describing generic model for ideals with six generators. The talk is based on a part of my PhD thesis, and the second part is a joint work with Lorenzo Guerrieri.
Stanisław Szyma
One form of Serre duality states that for an n-dimensional variety over a field its i-th and (n-i)-th cohomology groups are dual to each other as vector spaces. Verdier generalised analogous result in algebraic topology - Poincare duality - using the language of derived categories, essentially proving that the derived direct image functor acting on sheaves on locally compact spaces admits a right adjoint. This talk is devoted to a proof of a result by Neeman, called Grothendieck duality, which in the same spirit generalizes Serre duality to quasi-compact quasi-separated schemes, and which will be proved in the context of infinity-categories. First, I will briefly introduce the necessary notions from infinity-categories and present a proof of Brown representability theorem. In the second part of the talk, we will show that the category of quasicoherent sheaves on a qcqs scheme satisfies the hypothesis of Brown's theorem.
Stanisław Szyma
One form of Serre duality states that for an n-dimensional variety over a field its i-th and (n-i)-th cohomology groups are dual to each other as vector spaces. Verdier generalised analogous result in algebraic topology - Poincare duality - using the language of derived categories, essentially proving that the derived direct image functor acting on sheaves on locally compact spaces admits a right adjoint. This talk is devoted to a proof of a result by Neeman, called Grothendieck duality, which in the same spirit generalizes Serre duality to quasi-compact quasi-separated schemes, and which will be proved in the context of infinity-categories. First, I will briefly introduce the necessary notions from infinity-categories and present a proof of Brown representability theorem. In the second part of the talk, we will show that the category of quasicoherent sheaves on a qcqs scheme satisfies the hypothesis of Brown's theorem.
Benedetta Piroddi (University of Milan)
A Nikulin orbifold $Y$ is obtained by partial resolution of the quotient of a $K3^{[2]}$-type manifold $X$ by a symplectic involution $i$: any automorphism $s$ of $X$ that commutes with $i$ induces therefore an automorphism on $Y$. I will describe induced symplectic involutions on Nikulin orbifolds, starting from the action of groups of order 4 on $K3^{[2]}$-type manifolds, and present some classification results.
Rafał Mach
In this talk, we will discuss the fundamental concepts and constructions
of Shimura curves via Fuchsian groups. We will then explore how these curves
provide a moduli space for certain special abelian varieties. The lecture
is based on Three Lectures on Shimura Curves by John Voight
Rafał Mach
In this talk, we will discuss the fundamental concepts and constructions
of Shimura curves via Fuchsian groups. We will then explore how these curves
provide a moduli space for certain special abelian varieties. The lecture
is based on Three Lectures on Shimura Curves by John Voight
Arijit Dey (IIT Madras)
The Brauer group of moduli spaces of stable vector bundles with fixed determinant over a Riemann surface was first computed by Balaji-Biswas-Gabber-Nagaraj. Later this result got generalized by Biswas and his collaborators for various moduli spaces including moduli space of $G$-bundles (Biswas-Holla) , when $G$ is semi-simple. In this talk we will talk about the general strategy of computing the Brauer group of moduli spaces of stable parabolic $G$-bundles for various classical groups $G$. The talk is based on joint work with Sujoy Chakraborty and Indranil Biswas.
Sławomir Cynk
The goal of this talk is to present classification Fano 3-folds. I will start with a short discussion of del Pezzo surfaces.
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